$ "A and B are goint to start their business right now, but they don't know how to do it well."
$ "C is a consultant on business startup."
$ "D is an investor who will invest A and B's company."
A: B, I was wondering if we could discuss our new business for a moment.
B: Certainly A. You know that I’m asking C for help and C gives us some advice.
C: Hi, A. This is C. Glad to see you.
A: Nice to see you too.Thanks very much for helping us.
C: That’s Ok. Applying the SMART method is important to achieve the goals. First, will you please describe what kind of business you would start?
A: We are going to start a company which is franchised[特许的,许可的] by Toy company who is a toy manufacturer. Recently Toy company developed a Camera Robot which use AI to indetify you and to photograph you.
C: Sounds well. Did you analyze the potential markets[潜在市场] for your business?
A B: Yes. We planed to concentrate[集中,聚焦] on expanding our market share in the yound adult market. These customers are curiosity[好奇心的] and affordable[负担得起的].
C: I totally agree. Maybe you could expand your business to the travel agency[旅行社]. That is a huge market.
A: That’s a good idea.
C: So next, what do you need to start your business?
A: To start our business is hard. Firtst , we need franchised fees. Second, we need to make a clear plan to succeed in business. And then, we need to find the location to make presentation. And then, we need to set location for customer service and sale maintenance[售后维修]. Aha, lots of things. Finally, the company shoud be registered[注册的].
C: I got it. You should raise capital first, then make a business plan and finally execute the plan. That is most specific.
A: Right. And I got an investor, D.
D: Hi,all. I have reviewed the draft plan. The franchised fees and start-up cost are measurable.
C: Well. You should make a list of all the tangible[有形的] and intangible[无形的] resources you need to get your business going.
A: I will.
C: Do you have a short time plan?
A: Yes. We plan to start up the company this month and to propose pilot ,promote stages in three moths. We aim to find out a attainable[suitble, 可行性的] measure for deepening the market.
C: That’s ok. what do you fear of the risk?
A: The company may go to bankrupt if the economy is going to recession[衰退].
C: what about the economy going to recovery[复苏]?
A: Then I should sell more AI toys Relevant and expand the market. I need more investment to make the company a big supermarket. In order to go to IPO, The company should trnasform to internet product supplier just like Jingdong.
B: So, we should sell products through the internet at this stage.