Apache Pig
Pig provides an engine for executing data flows in parallel on Hadoop. It includes a language,
Pig Latin, for expressing these data flows. Pig Latin includes operators for many of the
traditional data operations (join, sort, filter, etc.), as well as the ability for users
to develop their own functions for reading, processing, and writing data. Pig runs on Hadoop.
It makes use of both the Hadoop Distributed File System, HDFS, and Hadoop’s processing system, MapReduce.
Pig uses MapReduce to execute all of its data processing. It compiles the Pig Latin scripts
that users write into a series of one or more MapReduce jobs that it then executes. Pig Latin looks
different from many of the programming languages you have seen. There are no if statements or for
loops in Pig Latin. This is because traditional procedural and object-oriented programming languages
describe control flow, and data flow is a side effect of the program. Pig Latin instead focuses on data flow.
1. pig.apache.org/
2. Pig examples by Alan Gates
JAQL is a functional, declarative programming language designed especially for working with large
volumes of structured, semi-structured and unstructured data. As its name implies, a primary
use of JAQL is to handle data stored as JSON documents, but JAQL can work on various types of data.
For example, it can support XML, comma-separated values (CSV) data and flat files. A "SQL within JAQL"
capability lets programmers work with structured SQL data while employing a JSON data model that's less
restrictive than its Structured Query Language counterparts.
Specifically, Jaql allows you to select, join, group, and filter data that is stored in HDFS, much
like a blend of Pig and Hive. Jaql’s query language was inspired by many programming and query languages,
including Lisp, SQL, XQuery, and Pig.
JAQL was created by workers at IBM Research Labs in 2008 and released to open source. While it continues
to be hosted as a project on Google Code, where a downloadable version is available under an Apache 2.0 license,
the major development activity around JAQL has remained centered at IBM. The company offers the query language
as part of the tools suite associated with InfoSphere BigInsights, its Hadoop platform. Working together with a
workflow orchestrator, JAQL is used in BigInsights to exchange data between storage, processing and analytics jobs.
It also provides links to external data and services, including relational databases and machine learning data.
1. JAQL in Google Code
2. What is Jaql? by IBM
Apache Spark
Data analytics cluster computing framework originally developed in the AMPLab at UC Berkeley.
Spark fits into the Hadoop open-source community, building on top of the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS).
However, Spark provides an easier to use alternative to Hadoop MapReduce and offers performance up to 10 times
faster than previous generation systems like Hadoop MapReduce for certain applications.
Spark is a framework for writing fast, distributed programs. Spark solves similar problems as Hadoop MapReduce
does but with a fast in-memory approach and a clean functional style API. With its ability to integrate with
Hadoop and inbuilt tools for interactive query analysis (Shark), large-scale graph processing and analysis (Bagel),
and real-time analysis (Spark Streaming), it can be interactively used to quickly process and query big data sets.
To make programming faster, Spark provides clean, concise APIs in Scala, Java and Python. You can also use Spark
interactively from the Scala and Python shells to rapidly query big datasets. Spark is also the engine behind Shark,
a fully Apache Hive-compatible data warehousing system that can run 100x faster than Hive.
1. Apache Spark
2. Mirror of Spark on Github
3. RDDs - Paper
4. Spark: Cluster Computing... - Paper
Spark Research
Apache Storm
Storm is a complex event processor (CEP) and distributed computation
framework written predominantly in the Clojure programming language.
Is a distributed real-time computation system for processing fast,
large streams of data. Storm is an architecture based on master-workers
paradigma. So a Storm cluster mainly consists of a master and worker
nodes, with coordination done by Zookeeper.
Storm makes use of zeromq (0mq, zeromq), an advanced, embeddable
networking library. It provides a message queue, but unlike
message-oriented middleware (MOM), a 0MQ system can run without
a dedicated message broker. The library is designed to have a
familiar socket-style API.
Originally created by Nathan Marz and team at BackType, the
project was open sourced after being acquired by Twitter. Storm
was initially developed and deployed at BackType in 2011. After
7 months of development BackType was acquired by Twitter in July
2011. Storm was open sourced in September 2011.
Hortonworks is developing a Storm-on-YARN version and plans
finish the base-level integration in 2013 Q4. This is the plan
from Hortonworks. Yahoo/Hortonworks also plans to move Storm-on-YARN
code from github.com/yahoo/storm-yarn to be a subproject of
Apache Storm project in the near future.
Twitter has recently released a Hadoop-Storm Hybrid called
“Summingbird.” Summingbird fuses the two frameworks into one,
allowing for developers to use Storm for short-term processing
and Hadoop for deep data dives,. a system that aims to mitigate
the tradeoffs between batch processing and stream processing by
combining them into a hybrid system.
1. Storm Project/
2. Storm-on-YARN
Apache Flink
Apache Flink (formerly called Stratosphere) features powerful programming abstractions in Java and Scala,
a high-performance runtime, and automatic program optimization. It has native support for iterations,
incremental iterations, and programs consisting of large DAGs of operations.
Flink is a data processing system and an alternative to Hadoop's MapReduce component. It comes with
its own runtime, rather than building on top of MapReduce. As such, it can work completely independently
of the Hadoop ecosystem. However, Flink can also access Hadoop's distributed file system (HDFS) to read
and write data, and Hadoop's next-generation resource manager (YARN) to provision cluster resources.
Since most Flink users are using Hadoop HDFS to store their data, it ships already the required libraries to access HDFS.
1. Apache Flink incubator page
2. Stratosphere site
Apache Apex |
Apache Apex is an enterprise grade Apache YARN based big data-in-motion platform that
unifies stream processing as well as batch processing. It processes big data
in-motion in a highly scalable, highly performant, fault tolerant, stateful,
secure, distributed, and an easily operable way. It provides a simple API that
enables users to write or re-use generic Java code, thereby lowering the expertise
needed to write big data applications.
The Apache Apex platform is supplemented by Apache Apex-Malhar,
which is a library of operators that implement common business logic
functions needed by customers who want to quickly develop applications.
These operators provide access to HDFS, S3, NFS, FTP, and other file systems;
Kafka, ActiveMQ, RabbitMQ, JMS, and other message systems; MySql, Cassandra,
MongoDB, Redis, HBase, CouchDB and other databases along with JDBC connectors.
The library also includes a host of other common business logic patterns that
help users to significantly reduce the time it takes to go into production.
Ease of integration with all other big data technologies is one of the primary
missions of Apache Apex-Malhar.
Apex, available on GitHub, is the core technology upon which DataTorrent's
commercial offering, DataTorrent RTS 3, along with other technology such as
a data ingestion tool called dtIngest, are based.
| 1. Apache Apex from DataTorrent
2. Apache Apex main page
3. Apache Apex Proposal
Netflix PigPen |
PigPen is map-reduce for Clojure which compiles to Apache Pig. Clojure is dialect of the Lisp programming
language created by Rich Hickey, so is a functional general-purpose language, and runs on the Java Virtual Machine,
Common Language Runtime, and JavaScript engines. In PigPen there are no special user defined functions (UDFs).
Define Clojure functions, anonymously or named, and use them like you would in any Clojure program. This tool
is open sourced by Netflix, Inc. the American provider of on-demand Internet streaming media.
1. PigPen on GitHub
Apache Spark was developed thinking in Apache YARN. However, up to now, it has been relatively hard to run
Apache Spark on Hadoop MapReduce v1 clusters, i.e. clusters that do not have YARN installed. Typically,
users would have to get permission to install Spark/Scala on some subset of the machines, a process that
could be time consuming. SIMR allows anyone with access to a Hadoop MapReduce v1 cluster to run Spark out
of the box. A user can run Spark directly on top of Hadoop MapReduce v1 without any administrative rights,
and without having Spark or Scala installed on any of the nodes.
1. SIMR on GitHub
Facebook Corona |
“The next version of Map-Reduce" from Facebook, based in own fork of Hadoop. The current Hadoop implementation
of the MapReduce technique uses a single job tracker, which causes scaling issues for very large data sets.
The Apache Hadoop developers have been creating their own next-generation MapReduce, called YARN, which Facebook
engineers looked at but discounted because of the highly-customised nature of the company's deployment of Hadoop and HDFS.
Corona, like YARN, spawns multiple job trackers (one for each job, in Corona's case).
1. Corona on Github
Apache REEF |
Apache REEF™ (Retainable Evaluator Execution Framework) is a library for developing portable
applications for cluster resource managers such as Apache Hadoop™ YARN or Apache Mesos™.
Apache REEF drastically simplifies development of those resource managers through the following features:
Centralized Control Flow: Apache REEF turns the chaos of a distributed application into events in a
single machine, the Job Driver. Events include container allocation, Task launch, completion and
failure. For failures, Apache REEF makes every effort of making the actual `Exception` thrown by the
Task available to the Driver.
Task runtime: Apache REEF provides a Task runtime called Evaluator. Evaluators are instantiated in
every container of a REEF application. Evaluators can keep data in memory in between Tasks, which
enables efficient pipelines on REEF.
Support for multiple resource managers: Apache REEF applications are portable to any supported resource
manager with minimal effort. Further, new resource managers are easy to support in REEF.
.NET and Java API: Apache REEF is the only API to write YARN or Mesos applications in .NET. Further, a
single REEF application is free to mix and match Tasks written for .NET or Java.
Plugins: Apache REEF allows for plugins (called "Services") to augment its feature set without adding
bloat to the core. REEF includes many Services, such as a name-based communications between Tasks
MPI-inspired group communications (Broadcast, Reduce, Gather, ...) and data ingress.
1. Apache REEF Website
Apache Twill |
Twill is an abstraction over Apache Hadoop® YARN that reduces the
complexity of developing distributed applications, allowing developers
to focus more on their business logic. Twill uses a simple thread-based model that Java
programmers will find familiar. YARN can be viewed as a compute
fabric of a cluster, which means YARN applications like Twill will
run on any Hadoop 2 cluster.
YARN is an open source application that allows the Hadoop cluster
to turn into a collection of virtual machines. Weave, developed by
Continuuity and initially housed on Github, is a complementary open
source application that uses a programming model similar to Java
threads, making it easy to write distributed applications. In order to remove
a conflict with a similarly named project on Apache, called "Weaver,"
Weave's name changed to Twill when it moved to Apache incubation.
Twill functions as a scaled-out proxy. Twill is a middleware layer
in between YARN and any application on YARN. When you develop a
Twill app, Twill handles APIs in YARN that resemble a multi-threaded application familiar to Java.
It is very easy to build multi-processed distributed applications in Twill.
1. Apache Twill Incubator
Damballa Parkour |
Library for develop MapReduce programs using the LISP like language Clojure. Parkour aims to provide deep Clojure
integration for Hadoop. Programs using Parkour are normal Clojure programs, using standard Clojure functions
instead of new framework abstractions. Programs using Parkour are also full Hadoop programs, with complete
access to absolutely everything possible in raw Java Hadoop MapReduce.
1. Parkour GitHub Project
Apache Hama |
Apache Top-Level open source project, allowing you to do advanced analytics beyond MapReduce. Many data
analysis techniques such as machine learning and graph algorithms require iterative computations,
this is where Bulk Synchronous Parallel model can be more effective than "plain" MapReduce.
1. Hama site
Datasalt Pangool |
A new MapReduce paradigm. A new API for MR jobs, in higher level than Java.
2.GitHub Pangool
Apache Tez
Tez is a proposal to develop a generic application which can be used to process complex data-processing
task DAGs and runs natively on Apache Hadoop YARN. Tez generalizes the MapReduce paradigm to a more
powerful framework based on expressing computations as a dataflow graph. Tez is not meant directly for
end-users – in fact it enables developers to build end-user applications with much better performance
and flexibility. Hadoop has traditionally been a batch-processing platform for large amounts of data.
However, there are a lot of use cases for near-real-time performance of query processing. There are also
several workloads, such as Machine Learning, which do not fit will into the MapReduce paradigm. Tez helps
Hadoop address these use cases. Tez framework constitutes part of Stinger initiative (a low latency
based SQL type query interface for Hadoop based on Hive).
1. Apache Tez Incubator
2. Hortonworks Apache Tez page
Apache DataFu |
DataFu provides a collection of Hadoop MapReduce jobs and functions in higher level languages based
on it to perform data analysis. It provides functions for common statistics tasks (e.g. quantiles,
sampling), PageRank, stream sessionization, and set and bag operations. DataFu also provides Hadoop
jobs for incremental data processing in MapReduce. DataFu is a collection of Pig UDFs (including PageRank,
sessionization, set operations, sampling, and much more) that were originally developed at LinkedIn.
1. DataFu Apache Incubator
Pydoop |
Pydoop is a Python MapReduce and HDFS API for Hadoop, built upon the C++
Pipes and the C libhdfs APIs, that allows to write full-fledged MapReduce
applications with HDFS access. Pydoop has several advantages over Hadoop’s built-in
solutions for Python programming, i.e., Hadoop Streaming and Jython: being a CPython
package, it allows you to access all standard library and third party modules,
some of which may not be available.
1. SF Pydoop site
2. Pydoop GitHub Project
Kangaroo |
Open-source project from Conductor for writing MapReduce jobs consuming data from Kafka.
The introductory post explains Conductor’s use case—loading data from Kafka to HBase
by way of a MapReduce job using the HFileOutputFormat. Unlike other solutions
which are limited to a single InputSplit per Kafka partition, Kangaroo can launch
multiple consumers at different offsets in the stream of a single partition for
increased throughput and parallelism.
1. Kangaroo Introduction
2. Kangaroo GitHub Project
TinkerPop |
Graph computing framework written in Java. Provides a core API that graph system vendors can implement.
There are various types of graph systems including in-memory graph libraries, OLTP graph databases,
and OLAP graph processors. Once the core interfaces are implemented, the underlying graph system
can be queried using the graph traversal language Gremlin and processed with TinkerPop-enabled
algorithms. For many, TinkerPop is seen as the JDBC of the graph computing community.
1. Apache Tinkerpop Proposal
2. TinkerPop site
Pachyderm MapReduce |
Pachyderm is a completely new MapReduce engine built on top Docker and CoreOS.
In Pachyderm MapReduce (PMR) a job is an HTTP server inside a Docker container
(a microservice). You give Pachyderm a Docker image and it will automatically
distribute it throughout the cluster next to your data. Data is POSTed to
the container over HTTP and the results are stored back in the file system.
You can implement the web server in any language you want and pull in any library.
Pachyderm also creates a DAG for all the jobs in the system and their dependencies
and it automatically schedules the pipeline such that each job isn’t run until it’s
dependencies have completed. Everything in Pachyderm “speaks in diffs” so it knows
exactly which data has changed and which subsets of the pipeline need to be rerun.
CoreOS is an open source lightweight operating system based on Chrome OS, actually
CoreOS is a fork of Chrome OS. CoreOS provides only the minimal functionality
required for deploying applications inside software containers, together with
built-in mechanisms for service discovery and configuration sharing
1. Pachyderm site
2. Pachyderm introduction article
Apache Beam |
Apache Beam is an open source, unified model for defining and executing
data-parallel processing pipelines, as well as a set of language-specific
SDKs for constructing pipelines and runtime-specific Runners for executing them.
The model behind Beam evolved from a number of internal Google
data processing projects, including MapReduce, FlumeJava, and
Millwheel. This model was originally known as the “Dataflow Model”
and first implemented as Google Cloud Dataflow, including a Java SDK
on GitHub for writing pipelines and fully managed service for
executing them on Google Cloud Platform.
In January 2016, Google and a number of partners submitted the Dataflow
Programming Model and SDKs portion as an Apache Incubator Proposal,
under the name Apache Beam (unified Batch + strEAM processing).
| 1. Apache Beam Proposal
2. DataFlow Beam and Spark Comparasion
NoSQL Databases |
Column Data Model |
Apache HBase
Google BigTable Inspired. Non-relational distributed database.
Ramdom, real-time r/w operations in column-oriented very large
tables (BDDB: Big Data Data Base). It’s the backing system for
MR jobs outputs. It’s the Hadoop database. It’s for backing
Hadoop MapReduce jobs with Apache HBase tables
1. Apache HBase Home
2. Mirror of HBase on Github
Apache Cassandra |
Distributed Non-SQL DBMS, it’s a BDDB. MR can retrieve data from Cassandra.
This BDDB can run without HDFS, or on-top of HDFS (DataStax fork of Cassandra).
HBase and its required supporting systems are derived from what is known of
the original Google BigTable and Google File System designs (as known from the
Google File System paper Google published in 2003, and the BigTable paper published
in 2006). Cassandra on the other hand is a recent open source fork of a standalone
database system initially coded by Facebook, which while implementing the BigTable
data model, uses a system inspired by Amazon’s Dynamo for storing data (in fact
much of the initial development work on Cassandra was performed by two Dynamo
engineers recruited to Facebook from Amazon).
1. Apache HBase Home
2. Cassandra on GitHub
3. Training Resources
4. Cassandra - Paper
Hypertable |
Database system inspired by publications on the design of Google's
BigTable. The project is based on experience of engineers who were
solving large-scale data-intensive tasks for many years. Hypertable
runs on top of a distributed file system such as the Apache Hadoop DFS,
GlusterFS, or the Kosmos File System (KFS). It is written almost entirely
in C++. Sposored by Baidu the Chinese search engine.
Apache Accumulo |
Distributed key/value store is a robust, scalable, high performance
data storage and retrieval system. Apache Accumulo is based on Google's
BigTable design and is built on top of Apache Hadoop, Zookeeper, and Thrift.
Accumulo is software created by the NSA with security features.
1. Apache Accumulo Home
Apache Kudu |
Distributed, columnar, relational data store optimized for analytical use cases requiring
very fast reads with competitive write speeds.
- Relational data model (tables) with strongly-typed columns and a fast, online alter table operation.
- Scale-out and sharded with support for partitioning based on key ranges and/or hashing.
- Fault-tolerant and consistent due to its implementation of Raft consensus.
- Supported by Apache Impala and Apache Drill, enabling fast SQL reads and writes through those systems.
- Integrates with MapReduce and Spark.
- Additionally provides "NoSQL" APIs in Java, Python, and C++.
1. Apache Kudu Home
2. Kudu on Github
3. Kudu technical whitepaper (pdf)
Document Data Model |
Document-oriented database system. It is part of the NoSQL family of
database systems. Instead of storing data in tables as is done in a "classical"
relational database, MongoDB stores structured data as JSON-like documents
1. Mongodb site
RethinkDB |
RethinkDB is built to store JSON documents, and scale to multiple
machines with very little effort. It has a pleasant query language
that supports really useful queries like table joins and group by,
and is easy to setup and learn.
1. RethinkDB site
ArangoDB |
An open-source database with a flexible data model for documents, graphs,
and key-values. Build high performance applications using a convenient
sql-like query language or JavaScript extensions.
1. ArangoDB site
Stream Data Model |
An open-source, functional database with support for Complex Event Processing.
It provides a persistence engine for applications using event-sourcing, or for
storing time-series data. Event Store is written in C#, C++ for the server which
runs on Mono or the .NET CLR, on Linux or Windows.
Applications using Event Store can be written in JavaScript. Event sourcing (ES)
is a way of persisting your application's state by storing the history that determines
the current state of your application.
1. EventStore site
Key-value Data Model |
Redis DataBase
Redis is an open-source, networked, in-memory, data structures
store with optional durability. It is written in ANSI C.
In its outer layer, the Redis data model is a dictionary which
maps keys to values. One of the main differences between Redis
and other structured storage systems is that Redis supports not
only strings, but also abstract data types. Sponsored by Redis Labs.
It’s BSD licensed.
1. Redis site
2. Redis Labs site
Linkedin Voldemort |
Distributed data store that is designed as a key-value store used
by LinkedIn for high-scalability storage.
1. Voldemort site
RocksDB |
RocksDB is an embeddable persistent key-value store for fast storage.
RocksDB can also be the foundation for a client-server database but our
current focus is on embedded workloads.
1. RocksDB site
OpenTSDB |
OpenTSDB is a distributed, scalable Time Series Database (TSDB)
written on top of HBase. OpenTSDB was written to address a common
need: store, index and serve metrics collected from computer systems
(network gear, operating systems, applications) at a large scale,
and make this data easily accessible and graphable.
1. OpenTSDB site
Graph Data Model |
ArangoDB |
An open-source database with a flexible data model for documents,
graphs, and key-values. Build high performance applications using
a convenient sql-like query language or JavaScript extensions.
1. ArangoDB site
An open-source graph database writting entirely in Java. It is an
embedded, disk-based, fully transactional Java persistence engine
that stores data structured in graphs rather than in tables.
1. Neo4j site
TitanDB |
TitanDB is a highly scalable graph database optimized for storing
and querying large graphs with billions of vertices and edges
distributed across a multi-machine cluster. Titan is a transactional
database that can support thousands of concurrent users.
1. Titan site
NewSQL Databases |
TokuDB |
TokuDB is a storage engine for MySQL and MariaDB that is specifically
designed for high performance on write-intensive workloads. It achieves
this via Fractal Tree indexing. TokuDB is a scalable, ACID and MVCC
compliant storage engine. TokuDB is one of the technologies that enable
Big Data in MySQL.
HandlerSocket |
HandlerSocket is a NoSQL plugin for MySQL/MariaDB (the storage engine
of MySQL). It works as a daemon inside the mysqld process, accepting TCP
connections, and executing requests from clients. HandlerSocket does not
support SQL queries. Instead, it supports simple CRUD operations on tables.
HandlerSocket can be much faster than mysqld/libmysql in some cases because
it has lower CPU, disk, and network overhead.
Akiban Server |
Akiban Server is an open source database that brings document stores and
relational databases together. Developers get powerful document access
alongside surprisingly powerful SQL.
Drizzle |
Drizzle is a re-designed version of the MySQL v6.0 codebase and
is designed around a central concept of having a microkernel
architecture. Features such as the query cache and authentication
system are now plugins to the database, which follow the general
theme of "pluggable storage engines" that were introduced in MySQL 5.1.
It supports PAM, LDAP, and HTTP AUTH for authentication via plugins
it ships. Via its plugin system it currently supports logging to files,
syslog, and remote services such as RabbitMQ and Gearman. Drizzle
is an ACID-compliant relational database that supports
transactions via an MVCC design
Haeinsa |
Haeinsa is linearly scalable multi-row, multi-table transaction
library for HBase. Use Haeinsa if you need strong ACID semantics
on your HBase cluster. Is based on Google Perlocator concept.
SenseiDB |
Open-source, distributed, realtime, semi-structured database.
Some Features: Full-text search, Fast realtime updates, Structured
and faceted search, BQL: SQL-like query language, Fast key-value
lookup, High performance under concurrent heavy update and query
volumes, Hadoop integration
1. SenseiDB site
Sky |
Sky is an open source database used for flexible, high performance
analysis of behavioral data. For certain kinds of data such as
clickstream data and log data, it can be several orders of magnitude
faster than traditional approaches such as SQL databases or Hadoop.
1. SkyDB site
BayesDB |
BayesDB, a Bayesian database table, lets users query the probable
implications of their tabular data as easily as an SQL database
lets them query the data itself. Using the built-in Bayesian Query
Language (BQL), users with no statistics training can solve basic
data science problems, such as detecting predictive relationships
between variables, inferring missing values, simulating probable
observations, and identifying statistically similar database entries.
1. BayesDB site
InfluxDB |
InfluxDB is an open source distributed time series database with
no external dependencies. It's useful for recording metrics, events,
and performing analytics. It has a built-in HTTP API so you don't
have to write any server side code to get up and running. InfluxDB
is designed to be scalable, simple to install and manage, and fast
to get data in and out. It aims to answer queries in real-time.
That means every data point is indexed as it comes in and is immediately
available in queries that should return under 100ms.
1. InfluxDB site
SQL-on-Hadoop |
Apache Hive
Data Warehouse infrastructure developed by Facebook. Data
summarization, query, and analysis. It’s provides SQL-like
language (not SQL92 compliant): HiveQL.
1. Apache HIVE site
2. Apache HIVE GitHub Project
Apache HCatalog |
HCatalog’s table abstraction presents users with a relational view
of data in the Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS) and ensures
that users need not worry about where or in what format their data
is stored. Right now HCatalog is part of Hive. Only old versions are separated for download.
Apache Trafodion |
Apache Trafodion is a webscale SQL-on-Hadoop solution enabling
enterprise-class transactional and operational workloads on
HBase. Trafodion is a native MPP ANSI SQL database engine that
builds on the scalability, elasticity and flexibility of HDFS and
HBase, extending these to provide guaranteed transactional
integrity for all workloads including multi-column, multi-row,
multi-table, and multi-server updates.
1. Apache Trafodion website
2. Apache Trafodion wiki
3. Apache Trafodion GitHub Project
Apache HAWQ |
Apache HAWQ is a Hadoop native SQL query engine that combines
key technological advantages of MPP database evolved from Greenplum Database,
with the scalability and convenience of Hadoop.
1. Apache HAWQ site
2. HAWQ GitHub Project
Apache Drill |
Drill is the open source version of Google's Dremel system which
is available as an infrastructure service called Google BigQuery.
In recent years open source systems have emerged to address the
need for scalable batch processing (Apache Hadoop) and stream
processing (Storm, Apache S4). Apache Hadoop, originally inspired
by Google's internal MapReduce system, is used by thousands of
organizations processing large-scale datasets. Apache Hadoop is
designed to achieve very high throughput, but is not designed to
achieve the sub-second latency needed for interactive data analysis
and exploration. Drill, inspired by Google's internal Dremel system,
is intended to address this need
1. Apache Incubator Drill
Cloudera Impala |
The Apache-licensed Impala project brings scalable parallel database
technology to Hadoop, enabling users to issue low-latency SQL queries
to data stored in HDFS and Apache HBase without requiring data movement
or transformation. It's a Google Dremel clone (Big Query google).
1. Cloudera Impala site
2. Impala GitHub Project
Facebook Presto |
Facebook has open sourced Presto, a SQL engine it says is on
average 10 times faster than Hive for running queries across
large data sets stored in Hadoop and elsewhere.
1. Presto site
Datasalt Splout SQL |
Splout allows serving an arbitrarily big dataset with high QPS
rates and at the same time provides full SQL query syntax.
Apache Tajo |
Apache Tajo is a robust big data relational and distributed data
warehouse system for Apache Hadoop. Tajo is designed for low-latency
and scalable ad-hoc queries, online aggregation, and ETL
(extract-transform-load process) on large-data sets stored on
HDFS (Hadoop Distributed File System) and other data sources.
By supporting SQL standards and leveraging advanced database
techniques, Tajo allows direct control of distributed execution
and data flow across a variety of query evaluation strategies
and optimization opportunities. For reference, the Apache
Software Foundation announced Tajo as a Top-Level Project in April 2014.
1. Apache Tajo site
Apache Phoenix |
Apache Phoenix is a SQL skin over HBase delivered as a
client-embedded JDBC driver targeting low latency queries over
HBase data. Apache Phoenix takes your SQL query, compiles it into
a series of HBase scans, and orchestrates the running of those
scans to produce regular JDBC result sets. The table metadata is
stored in an HBase table and versioned, such that snapshot queries
over prior versions will automatically use the correct schema.
Direct use of the HBase API, along with coprocessors and custom
filters, results in performance on the order of milliseconds for
small queries, or seconds for tens of millions of rows.
1. Apache Phoenix site
Apache MRQL |
MRQL is a query processing and optimization system for large-scale,
distributed data analysis, built on top of Apache Hadoop, Hama, and Spark.
MRQL (pronounced miracle) is a query processing and optimization
system for large-scale, distributed data analysis. MRQL (the MapReduce
Query Language) is an SQL-like query language for large-scale data analysis
on a cluster of computers. The MRQL query processing system can evaluate MRQL
queries in three modes:
- in Map-Reduce mode using Apache Hadoop,
- in BSP mode (Bulk Synchronous Parallel mode) using Apache Hama, and
- in Spark mode using Apache Spark.
- in Flink mode using Apache Flink.
1. Apache Incubator MRQL site
Kylin |
Kylin is an open source Distributed Analytics Engine from eBay
Inc. that provides SQL interface and multi-dimensional analysis
(OLAP) on Hadoop supporting extremely large datasets
1. Kylin project site
Data Ingestion |
Apache Flume
Flume is a distributed, reliable, and available service for
efficiently collecting, aggregating, and moving large amounts
of log data. It has a simple and flexible architecture based on
streaming data flows. It is robust and fault tolerant with tunable
reliability mechanisms and many failover and recovery mechanisms.
It uses a simple extensible data model that allows for online analytic application.
1. Apache Flume project site
Apache Sqoop
System for bulk data transfer between HDFS and structured
datastores as RDBMS. Like Flume but from HDFS to RDBMS.
1. Apache Sqoop project site
Facebook Scribe |
Log agregator in real-time. It’s a Apache Thrift Service.
Apache Chukwa |
Large scale log aggregator, and analytics.
Apache Kafka
Distributed publish-subscribe system for processing large amounts
of streaming data. Kafka is a Message Queue developed by LinkedIn
that persists messages to disk in a very performant manner.
Because messages are persisted, it has the interesting ability
for clients to rewind a stream and consume the messages again.
Another upside of the disk persistence is that bulk importing
the data into HDFS for offline analysis can be done very quickly
and efficiently. Storm, developed by BackType (which was acquired
by Twitter a year ago), is more about transforming a stream of
messages into new streams.
1. Apache Kafka
2. GitHub source code
Netflix Suro |
Suro has its roots in Apache Chukwa, which was initially adopted
by Netflix. Is a log agregattor like Storm, Samza.
Apache Samza |
Apache Samza is a distributed stream processing framework.
It uses Apache Kafka for messaging, and Apache Hadoop YARN to
provide fault tolerance, processor isolation, security, and
resource management.
Developed by http://www.linkedin.com/in/jaykreps Linkedin.
Cloudera Morphline |
Cloudera Morphlines is a new open source framework that reduces
the time and skills necessary to integrate, build, and change
Hadoop processing applications that extract, transform,
and load data into Apache Solr, Apache HBase, HDFS, enterprise
data warehouses, or analytic online dashboards.
This project is a framework for connecting disparate data sources
with the Apache Hadoop system, making them interoperable. HIHO
connects Hadoop with multiple RDBMS and file systems, so that
data can be loaded to Hadoop and unloaded from Hadoop
Apache NiFi |
Apache NiFi is a dataflow system that is currently under
incubation at the Apache Software Foundation. NiFi is based on
the concepts of flow-based programming and is highly configurable.
NiFi uses a component based extension model to rapidly add
capabilities to complex dataflows. Out of the box NiFi has
several extensions for dealing with file-based dataflows such
as FTP, SFTP, and HTTP integration as well as integration with
HDFS. One of NiFi’s unique features is a rich, web-based
interface for designing, controlling, and monitoring a dataflow.
1. Apache NiFi
Apache ManifoldCF |
Apache ManifoldCF provides a framework for connecting source content
repositories like file systems, DB, CMIS, SharePoint, FileNet ...
to target repositories or indexes, such as Apache Solr or ElasticSearch.
It's a kind of crawler for multi-content repositories, supporting a lot
of sources and multi-format conversion for indexing by means of Apache
Tika Content Extractor transformation filter.
1. Apache ManifoldCF
Service Programming |
Apache Thrift |
A cross-language RPC framework for service creations. It’s the
service base for Facebook technologies (the original Thrift
contributor). Thrift provides a framework for developing and
accessing remote services. It allows developers to create
services that can be consumed by any application that is written
in a language that there are Thrift bindings for. Thrift
manages serialization of data to and from a service, as well as
the protocol that describes a method invocation, response, etc.
Instead of writing all the RPC code -- you can just get straight
to your service logic. Thrift uses TCP and so a given service is
bound to a particular port.
1. Apache Thrift
Apache Zookeeper
It’s a coordination service that gives you the tools you need to
write correct distributed applications. ZooKeeper was developed
at Yahoo! Research. Several Hadoop projects are already using
ZooKeeper to coordinate the cluster and provide highly-available
distributed services. Perhaps most famous of those are Apache
HBase, Storm, Kafka. ZooKeeper is an application library with
two principal implementations of the APIs—Java and C—and a service
component implemented in Java that runs on an ensemble of dedicated
servers. Zookeeper is for building distributed systems, simplifies
the development process, making it more agile and enabling more
robust implementations. Back in 2006, Google published a paper
on "Chubby", a distributed lock service which gained wide adoption
within their data centers. Zookeeper, not surprisingly, is a close
clone of Chubby designed to fulfill many of the same roles for
HDFS and other Hadoop infrastructure.
1. Apache Zookeeper
2. Google Chubby paper
Apache Avro |
Apache Avro is a framework for modeling, serializing and making
Remote Procedure Calls (RPC). Avro data is described by a schema,
and one interesting feature is that the schema is stored in the
same file as the data it describes, so files are self-describing.
Avro does not require code generation. This framework can compete
with other similar tools like: Apache Thrift, Google Protocol Buffers, ZeroC ICE, and so on.
1. Apache Avro
Apache Curator |
Curator is a set of Java libraries that make using Apache
ZooKeeper much easier.
Apache karaf |
Apache Karaf is an OSGi runtime that runs on top of any OSGi
framework and provides you a set of services, a powerful
provisioning concept, an extensible shell and more.
Twitter Elephant Bird |
Elephant Bird is a project that provides utilities (libraries)
for working with LZOP-compressed data. It also provides a
container format that supports working with Protocol Buffers,
Thrift in MapReduce, Writables, Pig LoadFuncs, Hive SerDe,
HBase miscellanea. This open source library is massively
used in Twitter.
1. Elephant Bird GitHub
Linkedin Norbert |
Norbert is a library that provides easy cluster management and
workload distribution. With Norbert, you can quickly distribute
a simple client/server architecture to create a highly scalable
architecture capable of handling heavy traffic. Implemented in
Scala, Norbert wraps ZooKeeper, Netty and uses Protocol Buffers
for transport to make it easy to build a cluster aware application.
A Java API is provided and pluggable load balancing strategies
are supported with round robin and consistent hash strategies
provided out of the box.
1. Linedin Project
2. GitHub source code
Scheduling |
Apache Oozie |
Workflow scheduler system for MR jobs using DAGs
(Direct Acyclical Graphs). Oozie Coordinator can trigger jobs
by time (frequency) and data availability
1. Apache Oozie
2. GitHub source code
Linkedin Azkaban |
Hadoop workflow management. A batch job scheduler can be seen as
a combination of the cron and make Unix utilities combined with
a friendly UI.
Apache Falcon |
Apache Falcon is a data management framework for simplifying
data lifecycle management and processing pipelines on Apache
Hadoop. It enables users to configure, manage and orchestrate
data motion, pipeline processing, disaster recovery, and data
retention workflows. Instead of hard-coding complex data lifecycle
capabilities, Hadoop applications can now rely on the well-tested
Apache Falcon framework for these functions. Falcon’s simplification
of data management is quite useful to anyone building apps on
Hadoop. Data Management on Hadoop encompasses data motion, process
orchestration, lifecycle management, data discovery, etc. among
other concerns that are beyond ETL. Falcon is a new data processing
and management platform for Hadoop that solves this problem and
creates additional opportunities by building on existing components
within the Hadoop ecosystem (ex. Apache Oozie, Apache Hadoop
DistCp etc.) without reinventing the wheel.
Schedoscope |
Schedoscope is a new open-source project providing a scheduling
framework for painfree agile development, testing, (re)loading,
and monitoring of your datahub, lake, or whatever you choose to
call your Hadoop data warehouse these days. Datasets (including
dependencies) are defined using a scala DSL, which can embed
MapReduce jobs, Pig scripts, Hive queries or Oozie workflows to
build the dataset. The tool includes a test framework to verify
logic and a command line utility to load and reload data.
GitHub source code
Machine Learning |
Apache Mahout
Machine learning library and math library, on top of MapReduce.
Weka (Waikato Environment for Knowledge Analysis) is a popular suite
of machine learning software written in Java, developed at the
University of Waikato, New Zealand. Weka is free software available
under the GNU General Public License.
Cloudera Oryx |
The Oryx open source project provides simple, real-time large-scale
machine learning / predictive analytics infrastructure. It implements
a few classes of algorithm commonly used in business applications:
collaborative filtering / recommendation, classification / regression,
and clustering.
1. Oryx at GitHub
2. Cloudera forum for Machine Learning
Deeplearning4j |
The Deeplearning4j open-source project is the most widely used deep-learning framework for the JVM. DL4J includes deep neural nets such as recurrent neural networks, Long Short Term Memory Networks (LSTMs), convolutional neural networks, various autoencoders and feedforward neural networks such as restricted Boltzmann machines and deep-belief networks. It also has natural language-processing algorithms such as word2vec, doc2vec, GloVe and TF-IDF. All Deeplearning4j networks run distributed on multiple CPUs and GPUs. They work as Hadoop jobs, and integrate with Spark on the slace level for host-thread orchestration. Deeplearning4j's neural networks are applied to use cases such as fraud and anomaly detection, recommender systems, and predictive maintenance.
1. Deeplearning4j Website
2. Gitter Community for Deeplearning4j
MADlib |
The MADlib project leverages the data-processing capabilities of an RDBMS to analyze data.
The aim of this project is the integration of statistical data analysis into databases.
The MADlib project is self-described as the Big Data Machine Learning in SQL for Data Scientists.
The MADlib software project began the following year as a collaboration between researchers
at UC Berkeley and engineers and data scientists at EMC/Greenplum (now Pivotal)
1. MADlib Community
H2O |
H2O is a statistical, machine learning and math runtime tool for bigdata analysis.
Developed by the predictive analytics company H2O.ai, H2O has established a leadership
in the ML scene together with R and Databricks’ Spark. According to the team,
H2O is the world’s fastest in-memory platform for machine learning and predictive analytics
on big data. It is designed to help users scale machine learning, math, and statistics over large datasets.
In addition to H2O’s point and click Web-UI, its REST API allows easy integration into various
clients. This means explorative analysis of data can be done in a typical fashion in R, Python, and Scala;
and entire workflows can be written up as automated scripts.
1. H2O at GitHub
2. H2O Blog
Sparkling Water |
Sparkling Water combines two open source technologies: Apache Spark and H2O - a machine learning engine.
It makes H2O’s library of Advanced Algorithms including Deep Learning, GLM, GBM, KMeans, PCA, and Random Forest
accessible from Spark workflows.
Spark users are provided with the options to select the best features from either platforms to meet their Machine Learning needs.
Users can combine Sparks’ RDD API and Spark MLLib with H2O’s machine learning algorithms,
or use H2O independent of Spark in the model building process and post-process the results in Spark.
Sparkling Water provides a transparent integration of H2O’s framework and data structures into Spark’s
RDD-based environment by sharing the same execution space as well as providing a RDD-like API for H2O data structures.
1. Sparkling Water at GitHub
2. Sparkling Water Examples
Apache SystemML |
Apache SystemML was open sourced by IBM and it's pretty
related with Apache Spark. If you thinking in Apache Spark as
the analytics operating system for any application that taps
into huge volumes of streaming data. MLLib, the machine
learning library for Spark, provides developers with a rich set
of machine learning algorithms. And SystemML enables developers
to translate those algorithms so they can easily digest different
kinds of data and to run on different kinds of computers.
SystemML allows a developer to write a single machine learning
algorithm and automatically scale it up using Spark or Hadoop.
SystemML scales for big data analytics with high performance
optimizer technology, and empowers users to write customized
machine learning algorithms using simple, domain-specific
language (DSL) without learning complicated distributed
programming. It is an extensible complement framework of Spark
1. Apache SystemML
2. Apache Proposal
Benchmarking and QA Tools |
Apache Hadoop Benchmarking |
There are two main JAR files in Apache Hadoop for benchmarking.
This JAR are micro-benchmarks for testing particular parts of the
infrastructure, for instance TestDFSIO analyzes the disk system,
TeraSort evaluates MapReduce tasks, WordCount measures cluster
performance, etc. Micro-Benchmarks are packaged in the tests and
exmaples JAR files, and you can get a list of them, with descriptions,
by invoking the JAR file with no arguments. With regards Apache
Hadoop 2.2.0 stable version we have available the following JAR
files for test, examples and benchmarking. The Hadoop micro-benchmarks,
are bundled in this JAR files: hadoop-mapreduce-examples-2.2.0.jar,
1. MAPREDUCE-3561 umbrella ticket to track all the issues related to performance
Yahoo Gridmix3 |
Hadoop cluster benchmarking from Yahoo engineer team.
PUMA Benchmarking |
Benchmark suite which represents a broad range of MapReduce
applications exhibiting application characteristics with
high/low computation and high/low shuffle volumes. There are a
total of 13 benchmarks, out of which Tera-Sort, Word-Count,
and Grep are from Hadoop distribution. The rest of the benchmarks
were developed in-house and are currently not part of the Hadoop
distribution. The three benchmarks from Hadoop distribution are
also slightly modified to take number of reduce tasks as input
from the user and generate final time completion statistics of jobs.
2. Faraz Ahmad researcher
3. PUMA Docs
Berkeley SWIM Benchmark |
The SWIM benchmark (Statistical Workload Injector for MapReduce),
is a benchmark representing a real-world big data workload developed
by University of California at Berkley in close cooperation with
Facebook. This test provides rigorous measurements of the performance
of MapReduce systems comprised of real industry workloads..
1. GitHub SWIN
Intel HiBench |
HiBench is a Hadoop benchmark suite.
Apache Yetus |
To help maintain consistency over a large and disconnected set
of committers, automated patch testing was added to Hadoop’s development process.
This automated patch testing (now included as part of Apache Yetus)
works as follows: when a patch is uploaded to the bug tracking
system an automated process downloads the patch, performs some
static analysis, and runs the unit tests. These results are posted
back to the bug tracker and alerts notify interested parties about
the state of the patch.
However The Apache Yetus project addresses much more than the traditional
patch testing, it's a better approach including a massive rewrite of
the patch testing facility used in Hadoop.
| 1. Altiscale Blog Entry
2. Apache Yetus Proposal
3. Apache Yetus Project site
Security |
Apache Sentry |
Sentry is the next step in enterprise-grade big data security
and delivers fine-grained authorization to data stored in Apache
Hadoop. An independent security module that integrates with open
source SQL query engines Apache Hive and Cloudera Impala, Sentry
delivers advanced authorization controls to enable multi-user
applications and cross-functional processes for enterprise data
sets. Sentry was a Cloudera development.
Apache Knox Gateway |
System that provides a single point of secure access for Apache
Hadoop clusters. The goal is to simplify Hadoop security for both
users (i.e. who access the cluster data and execute jobs) and
operators (i.e. who control access and manage the cluster). The
Gateway runs as a server (or cluster of servers) that serve one
or more Hadoop clusters.
1. Apache Knox
2. Apache Knox Gateway Hortonworks web
Apache Ranger |
Apache Argus Ranger (formerly called Apache Argus or HDP Advanced
Security) delivers comprehensive approach to central security policy
administration across the core enterprise security requirements
of authentication, authorization, accounting and data protection.
It extends baseline features for coordinated enforcement across
Hadoop workloads from batch, interactive SQL and real–time and
leverages the extensible architecture to apply policies consistently
against additional Hadoop ecosystem components (beyond HDFS, Hive,
and HBase) including Storm, Solr, Spark, and more.
1. Apache Ranger
2. Apache Ranger Hortonworks web
Metadata Management |
Metascope |
Metascope is a metadata management and data discovery tool which
serves as an add-on to Schedoscope. Metascope is able to collect technical,
operational and business metadata from your Hadoop Datahub and provides
them easy to search and navigate via a portal.
GitHub source code
System Deployment |
Apache Ambari
Intuitive, easy-to-use Hadoop management web UI backed by its RESTful APIs.
Apache Ambari was donated by Hortonworks team to the ASF. It's a powerful and
nice interface for Hadoop and other typical applications from the Hadoop
ecosystem. Apache Ambari is under a heavy development, and it will incorporate
new features in a near future. For example Ambari is able to deploy a complete
Hadoop system from scratch, however is not possible use this GUI in a Hadoop
system that is already running. The ability to provisioning the operating
system could be a good addition, however probably is not in the roadmap..
1. Apache Ambari
Cloudera HUE
Web application for interacting with Apache Hadoop. It's not a deploment tool,
is an open-source Web interface that supports Apache Hadoop and its ecosystem,
licensed under the Apache v2 license. HUE is used for Hadoop and its ecosystem
user operations. For example HUE offers editors for Hive, Impala, Oozie, Pig,
notebooks for Spark, Solr Search dashboards, HDFS, YARN, HBase browsers..
1. HUE home page
Apache Whirr |
Apache Whirr is a set of libraries for running cloud services. It allows you
to use simple commands to boot clusters of distributed systems for testing and
experimentation. Apache Whirr makes booting clusters easy.
Apache Mesos&trade
Mesos is a cluster manager that provides resource sharing and isolation across
cluster applications. Like HTCondor, SGE or Troque can do it. However Mesos
is hadoop centred design
Myriad |
Myriad is a mesos framework designed for scaling YARN clusters on Mesos. Myriad
can expand or shrink one or more YARN clusters in response to events as per
configured rules and policies.
1. Myriad Github
Marathon |
Marathon is a Mesos framework for long-running services. Given that you have
Mesos running as the kernel for your datacenter, Marathon is the init or upstart daemon.
Brooklyn |
Brooklyn is a library that simplifies application deployment and management.
For deployment, it is designed to tie in with other tools, giving single-click
deploy and adding the concepts of manageable clusters and fabrics:
Many common software entities available out-of-the-box.
Integrates with Apache Whirr -- and thereby Chef and Puppet -- to deploy well-known
services such as Hadoop and elasticsearch (or use POBS, plain-old-bash-scripts)
Use PaaS's such as OpenShift, alongside self-built clusters, for maximum flexibility
Hortonworks HOYA |
HOYA is defined as “running HBase On YARN”. The Hoya tool is a Java tool,
and is currently CLI driven. It takes in a cluster specification – in terms
of the number of regionservers, the location of HBASE_HOME, the ZooKeeper
quorum hosts, the configuration that the new HBase cluster instance should
use and so on.
So HOYA is for HBase deployment using a tool developed on top of YARN. Once the
cluster has been started, the cluster can be made to grow or shrink using the
Hoya commands. The cluster can also be stopped and later resumed. Hoya implements
the functionality through YARN APIs and HBase’s shell scripts. The goal of
the prototype was to have minimal code changes and as of this writing, it has
required zero code changes in HBase.
1. Hortonworks Blog
Apache Helix |
Apache Helix is a generic cluster management framework used for the automatic
management of partitioned, replicated and distributed resources hosted on a
cluster of nodes. Originally developed by Linkedin, now is in an incubator
project at Apache. Helix is developed on top of Zookeeper for coordination tasks.
1. Apache Helix
Apache Bigtop |
Bigtop was originally developed and released as an open source packaging
infrastructure by Cloudera. BigTop is used for some vendors to build their
own distributions based on Apache Hadoop (CDH, Pivotal HD, Intel's distribution),
however Apache Bigtop does many more tasks, like continuous integration testing
(with Jenkins, maven, ...) and is useful for packaging (RPM and DEB), deployment
with Puppet, and so on. BigTop also features vagrant recipes for spinning up "n-node"
hadoop clusters, and the bigpetstore blueprint application which demonstrates
construction of a full stack hadoop app with ETL, machine learning,
and dataset generation. Apache Bigtop could be considered as a community effort
with a main focus: put all bits of the Hadoop ecosystem as a whole, rather
than individual projects.
1. Apache Bigtop.
Buildoop |
Buildoop is an open source project licensed under Apache License 2.0, based on Apache BigTop idea.
Buildoop is a collaboration project that provides templates and tools to help you create custom
Linux-based systems based on Hadoop ecosystem. The project is built from scrach using Groovy language,
and is not based on a mixture of tools like BigTop does (Makefile, Gradle, Groovy, Maven), probably
is easier to programming than BigTop, and the desing is focused in the basic ideas behind the buildroot
Yocto Project. The project is in early stages of development right now.
1. Hadoop Ecosystem Builder.
Deploop |
Deploop is a tool for provisioning, managing and monitoring Apache Hadoop
clusters focused in the Lambda Architecture. LA is a generic design based on
the concepts of Twitter engineer Nathan Marz. This generic architecture was
designed addressing common requirements for big data. The Deploop system is
in ongoing development, in alpha phases of maturity. The system is setup
on top of highly scalable techologies like Puppet and MCollective.
1. The Hadoop Deploy System.
SequenceIQ Cloudbreak |
Cloudbreak is an effective way to start and run multiple instances and
versions of Hadoop clusters in the cloud, Docker containers or bare metal.
It is a cloud and infrastructure agnostic and cost effictive Hadoop As-a-Service
platform API. Provides automatic scaling, secure multi tenancy and full cloud lifecycle management.
Cloudbreak leverages the cloud infrastructure platforms to create host instances,
uses Docker technology to deploy the requisite containers cloud-agnostically,
and uses Apache Ambari (via Ambari Blueprints) to install and manage a Hortonworks cluster.
This is a tool within the HDP ecosystem.
| 1. GitHub project.
2. Cloudbreak introduction.
3. Cloudbreak in Hortonworks.
Applications |
Apache Nutch |
Highly extensible and scalable open source web crawler software
project. A search engine based on Lucene: A Web crawler is an
Internet bot that systematically browses the World Wide Web,
typically for the purpose of Web indexing. Web crawlers can copy
all the pages they visit for later processing by a search engine
that indexes the downloaded pages so that users can search them
much more quickly.
Sphnix Search Server |
Sphinx lets you either batch index and search data stored in an
SQL database, NoSQL storage, or just files quickly and easily —
or index and search data on the fly, working with Sphinx pretty
much as with a database server.
Apache OODT |
OODT was originally developed at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
to support capturing, processing and sharing of data for NASA's
scientific archives
HIPI Library |
HIPI is a library for Hadoop's MapReduce framework that provides
an API for performing image processing tasks in a distributed
computing environment.
PivotalR |
PivotalR is a package that enables users of R, the most popular open source statistical
programming language and environment to interact with the Pivotal (Greenplum) Database
as well as Pivotal HD / HAWQ and the open-source database PostgreSQL for Big Data analytics.
R is a programming language and data analysis software: you do data analysis in R by writing
scripts and functions in the R programming language. R is a complete, interactive,
object-oriented language: designed by statisticians, for statisticians. The language
provides objects, operators and functions that make the process of exploring, modeling,
and visualizing data a natural one.
1. PivotalR on GitHub
Development Frameworks |
Jumbune |
Jumbune is an open source product that sits on top of any Hadoop
distribution and assists in development and administration of
MapReduce solutions. The objective of the product is to assist
analytical solution providers to port fault free applications on
production Hadoop environments. Jumbune supports all active
major branches of Apache Hadoop namely 1.x, 2.x, 0.23.x and commercial
MapR, HDP 2.x and CDH 5.x distributions of Hadoop. It has the
ability to work well with both Yarn and non-Yarn versions of Hadoop.
It has four major modules MapReduce Debugger, HDFS Data Validator,
On-demand cluster monitor and MapReduce job profiler. Jumbune can
be deployed on any remote user machine and uses a lightweight
agent on the NameNode of the cluster to relay relevant information to and fro.
1. Jumbune
2. Jumbune GitHub Project
3. Jumbune JIRA page
Spring XD |
Spring XD (Xtreme Data) is a evolution of Spring Java application
development framework to help Big Data Applications by Pivotal.
SpringSource was the company created by the founders of the
Spring Framework. SpringSource was purchased by VMware where it was
maintained for some time as a separate division within VMware.
Later VMware, and its parent company EMC Corporation, formally created
a joint venture called Pivotal. Spring XD is more than development
framework library, is a distributed, and extensible system for
data ingestion, real time analytics, batch processing, and data
export. It could be considered as alternative to Apache
Flume/Sqoop/Oozie in some scenarios. Spring XD is part of Pivotal
Spring for Apache Hadoop (SHDP). SHDP, integrated with Spring,
Spring Batch and Spring Data are part of the Spring IO Platform
as foundational libraries. Building on top of, and extending this
foundation, the Spring IO platform provides Spring XD as big data
runtime. Spring for Apache Hadoop (SHDP) aims to help simplify the
development of Hadoop based applications by providing a consistent
configuration and API across a wide range of Hadoop ecosystem
projects such as Pig, Hive, and Cascading in addition to providing
extensions to Spring Batch for orchestrating Hadoop based workflows.
1. Spring XD on GitHub
Cask Data Application Platform |
Cask Data Application Platform is an open source application
development platform for the Hadoop ecosystem that provides
developers with data and application virtualization to accelerate
application development, address a range of real-time and batch
use cases, and deploy applications into production. The deployment
is made by Cask Coopr, an open source template-based cluster
management solution that provisions, manages, and scales clusters
for multi-tiered application stacks on public and private clouds.
Another component is Tigon, a distributed framework built on Apache
Hadoop and Apache HBase for real-time, high-throughput, low-latency
data processing and analytics applications.
1. Cask Site
Categorize Pending ... |
Twitter Summingbird |
A system that aims to mitigate the tradeoffs between batch
processing and stream processing by combining them into a
hybrid system. In the case of Twitter, Hadoop handles batch
processing, Storm handles stream processing, and the hybrid
system is called Summingbird.
Apache Kiji |
Build Real-time Big Data Applications on Apache HBase.
S4 Yahoo |
S4 is a general-purpose, distributed, scalable, fault-tolerant,
pluggable platform that allows programmers to easily develop
applications for processing continuous unbounded streams of data.
Metamarkers Druid |
Realtime analytical data store.
Concurrent Cascading |
Application framework for Java developers to simply develop
robust Data Analytics and Data Management applications on Apache Hadoop.
Concurrent Lingual |
Open source project enabling fast and simple Big Data application
development on Apache Hadoop. project that delivers ANSI-standard
SQL technology to easily build new and integrate existing
applications onto Hadoop
Concurrent Pattern |
Machine Learning for Cascading on Apache Hadoop through an API,
and standards based PMML
Apache Giraph |
Apache Giraph is an iterative graph processing system built for
high scalability. For example, it is currently used at Facebook
to analyze the social graph formed by users and their connections.
Giraph originated as the open-source counterpart to Pregel, the
graph processing architecture developed at Google
Talend |
Talend is an open source software vendor that provides data
integration, data management, enterprise application integration
and big data software and solutions.
Akka Toolkit |
Akka is an open-source toolkit and runtime simplifying the
construction of concurrent applications on the Java platform.
Eclipse BIRT |
BIRT is an open source Eclipse-based reporting system that
integrates with your Java/Java EE application to produce
compelling reports.
Spango BI |
SpagoBI is an Open Source Business Intelligence suite,
belonging to the free/open source SpagoWorld initiative,
founded and supported by Engineering Group. It offers a large
range of analytical functions, a highly functional semantic layer
often absent in other open source platforms and projects, and a
respectable set of advanced data visualization features including
geospatial analytics
Jedox Palo |
Palo Suite combines all core applications — OLAP Server, Palo
Web, Palo ETL Server and Palo for Excel — into one comprehensive
and customisable Business Intelligence platform. The platform is
completely based on Open Source products representing a high-end
Business Intelligence solution which is available entirely free
of any license fees.
Twitter Finagle |
Finagle is an asynchronous network stack for the JVM that you
can use to build asynchronous Remote Procedure Call (RPC)
clients and servers in Java, Scala, or any JVM-hosted language.
Intel GraphBuilder |
Library which provides tools to construct large-scale graphs on
top of Apache Hadoop
Apache Tika |
Toolkit detects and extracts metadata and structured text content
from various documents using existing parser libraries.
Apache Zeppelin |
Zeppelin is a modern web-based tool for the data scientists to
collaborate over large-scale data exploration and visualization
projects. It is a notebook style interpreter that enable
collaborative analysis sessions sharing between users. Zeppelin
is independent of the execution framework itself. Current version
runs on top of Apache Spark but it has pluggable interpreter APIs
to support other data processing systems. More execution frameworks
could be added at a later date i.e Apache Flink, Crunch as well
as SQL-like backends such as Hive, Tajo, MRQL.
1. Apache Zeppelin site
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