
Posted by Big Data Memo on April 17, 2017

Terminology 概念梳理

智能投顾,包含多种概念,主要有数字化资产配置(Digital Asset Allocation)、智能投顾(Robo-advisor)、机器人投资(Robo-advisor)等。

  • 数字化资产配置(Digital Asset Allocation)
  • FINRA官方定义数字化投资(Digital Investment),其中细分领域包含数字化资产配置(Digital Asset Allocation),高频荐股(Stock Selection)等。数字化资产配置谷称智能投顾(Robo-advisor),适合大众的财富管理需求;高频荐股适合追求择时超额收益的少数投资者。

  • [数字化资产配置报告]1定义:数字化资产配置(Digital Assets Allocation)基于马科维茨提出的投资组合理论(PortfolioTheory),利用具有人工智能的计算机程序系统根据客户自身的理财需求,通过算法和产品搭建数据模型,来完成传统的由人工提供的理财顾问服务。是数字化投资的一个重要组成部分。

  • 智能投顾(Robo-advisor)
  • wikipedia定义:Robo-advisors are a class of financial adviser that provide financial advice or portfolio management online with minimal human intervention. Other designations for these financial technology companies include “automated investment advisor”, “automated investment management”, “online investment advisor” and “digital investment advisor.” 智能投顾是在线提供财务咨询投资组合管理而人工干预最少的一类财务顾问。 相同的概念包括“自动化投资顾问”,“自动投资管理”,“在线投资顾问”和“数字投资顾问”。

  • FINRA定义:The term “robo-adviser” generally refers to an automated digital investment advisory program. In most cases, the robo-adviser collects information regarding your financial goals, investment horizon, income and other assets, and risk tolerance by asking you to complete an online questionnaire. Based on that information, it creates and manages an investment portfolio for you. Robo-advisers often seek to offer investment advice for lower costs and fees than traditional advisory programs, and in some cases require lower account minimums than traditional investment advisers. The services provided, approaches to investing, and features of robo-advisers vary widely. 参考What is a Robo-Adviser?

  • 投资顾问价值链2
  • As used here, digital investment advice tools (also referred to as digital advice tools) support one or more of the following core activities in managing an investor’s portfolio: customer profiling, asset allocation, portfolio selection, trade execution, portfolio rebalancing, tax-loss harvesting3 and portfolio analysis. These investment advice tools can be broken down into two groups: tools that financial professionals use, referred to here as “financial professional-facing” tools, and tools that clients use, referred to here as “client-facing” tools. Client-facing tools that incorporate the first six activities—customer profiling through tax-loss harvesting—are frequently referred to as “robo advisors” or “robos.”

  • 智能投顾三优势
  • 低成本、高效率、多资产

  • 智能投顾发展背景3
  • 智能投顾发展现状3
  • 不得不说国内的智能投顾存在一些问题,缺乏行业标准和监管指引,难以降低交易成本且资产种类有限,市场认知程度较弱、用户教育方兴未艾,投资博弈里的独占收益和普及性在智能投顾里也是个悖论。

  • 算法交易、量化投资、智能投顾的区别3


1 弥财 MICAI

2 蓝海智投

3 理财魔方

4 拿铁智投

5 投米RA

6 BETA理财师

7 璇玑

8 钱景私人理财





  • 一是完全模仿Wealthfront、 Betterment等投资于ETF组合的公司,如弥财、财鲸等,受限于国内ETF的种类及数量,这两家公司均直接给客户匹配国外发达市场的ETF,以达到资本配置的目的;
  • 二是以基金作为构建投资组合的标的,实现对客户风险偏好的匹配,代表公司有理财魔方及钱景私人理财;
  • 三是以对量化策略、投资名人的股票组合进行跟投,同时兼具论坛性质的在线投资交流平台,目前在国内投研圈的知名度及认可度较高,代表公司有雪球及金贝塔。

摩羯智投: 人+数据+机器

摩羯智投团队表示:基金选择不单纯依赖机器或人,而是通过“人+数据+机器”的结合:“人”是指招商银行作为业内最领先的公募基金销售机构、在业内最早打造“五星之选基金”体系、在业内最早破题基金售后服务等经验,将招商银行在公募基金研究方面的 “多人、多年的优势和经验”融入模型体系;“数据”是指招商银行从十年前就开始积累的业内独家的“基金经理行为研究”数据库,是他们与业内差异化的基金数据基础;“机器”是指,摩羯智投构建的“行为动量基金分析决策树模型”,可以从基金历史净值、基金持仓数据、多维度的剥离和识别真实的alpha、基金公司维度、基金经理维度、基金产品维度等总计71个因子来判断和分析基金未来创造超额收益的动能,进而来判断和筛选基金产品。


  • 1 数字化资产配置报告,清华五道口&清华金融评论&璇玑
  • 2 Report on Digital Investment Advice, THE FINANCIAL INDUSTRY REGULATORY AUTHORITY
  • 3 智能投顾研究——中国发展之路, Beta智库